BIRD is very farsighted – to perseive objects from the bird´s eye view to every minute detail.

Birds are not only beautiful creatures; they are also capable of flying. Their true nature, elegance and gracefulness are in view only when they fly – which affirms the symbiotic relationship between functionality and esthetics.
We at BIRD prioritize the content and, consequently, its visual implementation. What is important for us is the tailor-made communicative design together with substance, as we endeavor to render the essential personality to each project.

We analyze the object extensively in regard to its ambience, functionality and objective, so as to create – from the macro to the micro level, from inside to outside – a clear and distinct design.

„Design is just language and the real issue is what you use that language to do.“

Tibor Kalman

„Typography doesn’t look for everything that is possible, but asks for what is really necessary.“

Kurt Weidemann